Tag: confidence

I was going through some old photos, and was struck by a few things.  Firstly, that I essentially haven’t changed that much.  I am older for sure, but the ‘me’ that was there at 7 is still there today. My…

  Yes, I am fat.  I have struggled with my weight my whole life.  Knowing what I know now, I wish that I had figured out how happy keeping moving makes me years ago. A few weeks ago someone asked…

I took a month off.  A month off blogging and most of social media.  I left my laptop upstairs gathering dust on my desk. The time out from my normal routine led to great perspective and some exciting clarity.  I…

.   Sponsored post Every blogger has a reason for starting a blog.  I started my blog shortly after turning 50 as I had a passion to communicate.  The purpose of my blog was to let people know that you could…

At 48 I went back to work in the corporate world.  It was scary. I truly began to understand the meaning of fake it until you make it when I found myself in hot water for not replying to a…

It took me many, many years to truly understand how important respect was as a value.  It is a word we bandy about but a couple of years ago all of a sudden I understood. R.E.S.P.E.C.T I was journaling and…

When I compare myself to others, I always seem to come up lacking.  I suspect that this is the same for many of us.  Is comparison the thief of joy? And what role does social media play? Before the advent…

I have always wished I had different feet.  Prettier smaller, slimmer feet.  The kind of feet that Manolo Blahnik would like to grace. Extreme Foot Make-over Fantasy In the nineties there was a TV programme being aired called Extreme Makeover. …

Well the obvious answer is with cake!  I love cake – I would choose it over chocolate, crisps and even wine.  I think a cake is just such a symbol of celebration.  It always makes me feel festive, as well…

The 14th of February is Valentine’s Day.  Is it a day that has been hijacked by commercialism?  I think so.  However no matter what I think, it is a day that dawns in the middle of February and puts all…

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