Tag: exercise

  Yes, I am fat.  I have struggled with my weight my whole life.  Knowing what I know now, I wish that I had figured out how happy keeping moving makes me years ago. A few weeks ago someone asked…

It’s that time again.  A new year and 365 fresh days ahead.  It’s always exciting for me as it is time to choose a word for the year. Seven years ago my life was not good.  In fact it was…

Being brave is huge!  It means different things to different people really but it is really a very powerful emotion that can propel us forward in a really good and positive way. What does brave mean to you? For some…

  I know I have been a bit quiet and there has been a bit of a gap between blog posts.  That is because I have been doing a life audit. Early in December I took sick – a combination…

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