Tag: fabulous

I am a sucker for beauty products, and especially ones that make promises.  My sister told me about the Rosehip Serum from Kinvara Skincare, and I just had to try it.  I got lucky because a few days later there…

I am rich!  In friendship.  Over my life I have made some really special friends and what really makes me rich is that I have kept these friends. Through the teenage years, the turbulent twenties, marriages, separations, children, careers and…

I have always been the type of person to make new year resolutions, and to keep them as much as I can.  At th end of 2011 I decided to upgrade this and choose a word for the year.  A…

I went off to the Bizpartyinspires conference in Dublin not really knowing what to expect.  I came away with so much, having learnt, networked and become inspired.  Especially by lots of fabulous women. As you all know I am fascinated…

Thank you to ashleighthebeautyaddict for nominating me for nominating me for the Liebster award.  Great fun and I  get to look at so many blogs.  Honestly since I have been blogging I have learnt so much and ‘met’ such amazing people…

  I sincerely believe that we have to treat ourselves.  In the past (and sometimes in the present) treats often revolve around food. Cake or chocolate in front of the TV.  I am trying to change, as I continue on…

We all have those kind of days . The days that put everything into perspective. I have promised myself that this will be  a positive blog, but this post is about turning a negative into a positive.  Let me explain….

  A couple of weeks ago I reached a milestone in my life.  It was two years since my move to Westport.  It was really a significant shift in my life for all sorts of reasons.  I moved to the…

  I am so enjoying this blog – especially the fantastic feedback. My favoute post so far has been about my ‘princess’ issues and always wearing my invisible crown. I am delighted with the price goodies I have collected. A…

Fit, fat and fabulous!

I had a fantastic day yesterday! A little history first though.  I have always struggled with my weight.  I have also always struggled with my fitness levels, never really believing that I could do anything sporty.  I huffed and puffed…

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