Category: lifestyle

  I am so enjoying this blog – especially the fantastic feedback. My favoute post so far has been about my ‘princess’ issues and always wearing my invisible crown. I am delighted with the price goodies I have collected. A…

Fit, fat and fabulous!

I had a fantastic day yesterday! A little history first though.  I have always struggled with my weight.  I have also always struggled with my fitness levels, never really believing that I could do anything sporty.  I huffed and puffed…

I have a simple philosophy when it comes to shopping. It must be enjoyed – when it isn’t fun anymore there is little point. I needed to get a few bits to make my beauty routine, an in fact my life…

To start with I need to set the scene for this blog post… I live in Westport, and when I visit Galway (an hour and a half away) I tend to pack my weekend with lots of fabulousness.  This weekend…

My hair has been something that I have always been proud of.  It has been blond, pink, brown, fire engine red and is now a coppery colour lightening by the month to cover the emerging greys. Unfortunately life throws us…

  The first time I came across the saying, Always Wear your Invisible Crown, I just knew it was meant for me and would, from that day forward be my motto (or one of them). I have suffered from depression and…

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