Tag: gifts

I am unique – and so are you!

  It’s fascinating to think that with 7.6 billion people in the world there is only one of me.  I am unique and so are you. We spend so much of our life conforming and trying to be part of…

Over the festive season there is a lot of giving going on, but how much are you giving to yourself? In January it is time to give yourself gifts and feel true gratitude. If we don’t fill up our own…

  I love buying gifts, I buy them all year round and then keep them in a very important place – my gift drawer. It isn’t about the value of the gift for me, but rather about the sentiment, and the…

Do you remember getting your first diary for Christmas.  I think I was probably around 7 or 8.  I was so excited and planned on pouring my heart out to Dear Diary …. If I remember correctly it was probably…

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