I love magazines, I guess I have a bit of an addiction to them. As you can imagine I was delighted to receive a copy of the first ICA magazine, and after setting myself up with a cup of…
Tag: healthy
The day I attended the most fabulous buffet, my relationship with food changed, and it has never changed back. I was always the person who had to have the last biscuit, in fact a packet of biscuits, or a bar…
A great idea for bloggers. Thanks to Danielle LilliWhiteRose for the nomination. It is a great fun way of taking stock! I challenge you to do it. A – Arthritis. It is in my hands, and although I deal with it…
Most mornings I start off with a shower. It wakes me up and gives me a delicious feeling of freshness as I get on with the day. I have tried shower gels and soaps, but I had never tried a…
I grew up thinking that girly girls don’t wear trainers. I have had about 3 pairs of trainers in my life and I can promise you I didn’t wear the treads of any of them (until three years ago)…
I sincerely believe that we have to treat ourselves. In the past (and sometimes in the present) treats often revolve around food. Cake or chocolate in front of the TV. I am trying to change, as I continue on…
I had a fantastic day yesterday! A little history first though. I have always struggled with my weight. I have also always struggled with my fitness levels, never really believing that I could do anything sporty. I huffed and puffed…
As a woman who has been battling with my weight since my early teens I have read a lot, been told a lot, and learnt a lot about food and nutrition. As I am still struggling, I have some opinions…