Tag: Word of the year

  Friends are the true wealth, and I am privileged to have lots of riches.  This Fabulous Woman interview is with Bev Hancock, a truly wise woman who I have known since I was five years old.  We have shared…

It’s that time again.  A new year and 365 fresh days ahead.  It’s always exciting for me as it is time to choose a word for the year. Seven years ago my life was not good.  In fact it was…

It took me many, many years to truly understand how important respect was as a value.  It is a word we bandy about but a couple of years ago all of a sudden I understood. R.E.S.P.E.C.T I was journaling and…

What is contentment?  Is it that elusive feeling on simply being myself? If in doubt consult the dictionary about your Word of the Year I love the dictionary – in years gone by I always had a battered, dog-eared copy…

Life is Fragile, and we need to treasure it.

Life is so fragile.  It may seem robust when we look at the hurley burly of traffic, deadlines and positive goal setting.  The truth is it is extremely fragile and although it is trite to say, we really only have…

Three is a magic number.  Or so I am told. I have been having a bit of a tough time lately.  I had two bad falls which set me back a bit.  As I stumbled around the house trying to…

A New Year, a New Way

The time between Christmas and New Year excites me.  It may seem odd to some but I just love this week which for me is laced with anticipation. I don’t like New Year’s Eve parties.  The false anticipation that something…

We really need to be conscious of our conversations, especially those we have with ourselves. I used to tell myself, ‘I am broken’.  I felt broken.  My hands were sore, my body ached.  Everything I did took effort. There were…

When I think of everything that needs a good tidy I sometimes find it overwhelming. It is however, something that needs to be done,  otherwise the clutter can become overwhelming itself.  Time to tidy up! I have created this list…

Every year I choose a word which will be my focus for the 12 months ahead. I give it quite a lot of thought during December examining both the positives and negatives in my life. The idea is to choose a…

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