Category: Health

. Everyone gets lonely.  There are those moments when you feel quite simply that you are on your own and you do not feel supported. When we think of loneliness, especially at this time of the year, we think of…

Three is a magic number.  Or so I am told. I have been having a bit of a tough time lately.  I had two bad falls which set me back a bit.  As I stumbled around the house trying to…

.  I love my blog, but between one thing and another, I have found myself neglecting  Here is a little life update. At first I felt guilty and then I felt upset.  I then sat down to figure out…

Fake it until you make it.  This is a mantra I find myself repeating over and over.  Especially when I wake up feeling less than fabulous. There are mornings when I wake-up or rather get up and know that I…

  I am determined to be fabulous no matter what.  For many woman that no matter what includes Urinary Incontinence (UI).  It is something we feel ashamed about and don’t like to talk about. A little while ago I was approached by Always…

Since moving to Galway over a year ago I have been searching for a place for me.  A place where I can indulge myself in little treats that make me feel good about myself. You can be excused for thinking…

I am a diabetic.  Not a very well behaved one I accept. I sneak the odd cake or chocolate and justify it by saying that I will walk it off.  But, perhaps it is time to keep a closer eye…

My Morning Ritual includes finding time to be quiet is so important.  It is really a bit like food for me – If I don’t have my quiet time I get ratty and crabby a bit like if I am…

  I wear a blue Fitbit almost every day and have done so for the last 8 months.  My Dad asked me if I actually liked it when he saw me checking it over and again and commenting on how…

  Sometimes I feel tired all the time.  I know that this has to do with some of my health issues, but I am sure that we all feel that way sometimes. I came across this quote on Pinterest and…

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