Tag: blogging

For a long time I have been considering blogging about being plus-sized.  There is no reason why your size should stop you being fashionably fabulous. For Christmas a couple of years ago my mom gave me a gift voucher to…

  I recently had the opportunity to talk to a group of bloggers and as part of that presentation I discussed marketing a blog.  Thank you everyone for the great feedback! I have worked in marketing most of my adult…

Bellissimo translated into English means lovely.  I strongly believe that no matter where we are in our lives we all should feel lovely.  Sometimes that comes about due to some kind words but sometimes it rests on us to make…

  It was like Christmas this morning – thank you Meaghers Pharmacy.  On a Monday in April with the rain at the window. Yesterday I was privileged to speak at the Elite Munster Bloggers Network event in Limerick.  I was…

  When you decide to start a blog, you might have a clear idea of what you want to write about, but, have you really found our blogging voice? I have recently read back on some of my earlier blog posts…

I am always inspired by women who are fabulous in every way.  Woman who defy the rules, and set out to reach for their dreams no matter what. I was invited to an ITWBN  blogger event at 56 Central, a…

A few days I unpacked a box and found a pile of old school reports.  I laughed when I read this one dated from when I was 5 and 20 days.  I really haven’t changed much.  It has me wondering…

  I started my blog at the beginning of the year, but I can honestly say that the real kick-start came after attending a blogging event. That first event was the ITWBN meet-up at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Galway.  I…

When I was a little girl, I battled with self confidence.  I am not being self serving here when I say that I honestly believed that I was fat and not very pretty.  I urge every person reading this blog…

Do you remember getting your first diary for Christmas.  I think I was probably around 7 or 8.  I was so excited and planned on pouring my heart out to Dear Diary …. If I remember correctly it was probably…

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