Tag: blogging

I took a month off.  A month off blogging and most of social media.  I left my laptop upstairs gathering dust on my desk. The time out from my normal routine led to great perspective and some exciting clarity.  I…

It’s that time again.  A new year and 365 fresh days ahead.  It’s always exciting for me as it is time to choose a word for the year. Seven years ago my life was not good.  In fact it was…

.   Sponsored post Every blogger has a reason for starting a blog.  I started my blog shortly after turning 50 as I had a passion to communicate.  The purpose of my blog was to let people know that you could…

Welcome to my new series.  Once a month I will be interviewing Fabulous Woman from around the world.  The first in the series introduces Christine Webber,  author, psychotherapist, broadcaster and  journalist. I few weeks ago I lost a few days,…

Our recent trip to Marmaris in Turkey was literally a tale of two parts.  The good however significantly outweighed the bad. Although I love the idea of travelling the actual travel day is incredibly hard, especially if you are struggling…

When I compare myself to others, I always seem to come up lacking.  I suspect that this is the same for many of us.  Is comparison the thief of joy? And what role does social media play? Before the advent…

Well the obvious answer is with cake!  I love cake – I would choose it over chocolate, crisps and even wine.  I think a cake is just such a symbol of celebration.  It always makes me feel festive, as well…

I just had a delivery from Amazon.  My son commented that the Amazon Deliveries are modern-day Father Christmases. Perhaps they are, and what better gift to give that a great book.  Books are my friends.  They allow me to travel…

Life is Fragile, and we need to treasure it.

Life is so fragile.  It may seem robust when we look at the hurley burly of traffic, deadlines and positive goal setting.  The truth is it is extremely fragile and although it is trite to say, we really only have…

Sponsored post Get-up and Go – how many times have you asked for a little of that.  I know I have.  Days when I am tired, or simply not motivated.  I hear a voice in my head – Kerry, just…

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