Author: Kerry

There was a huge part of me fighting against turning anything like fifty. It happens though and there is nothing we can do to fight it. Well we can’t fight the chronology of years and minutes ticking by but we can stay fabulous. I try to be fabulous, despite having a few things I am fighting against like RA, Diabetes and Pernicious Anaemia. This blog is simply about me embracing life. Food, make-up, fashion and more. My trials and tribulations. I hope you enjoy!

A World War 2 Book that opened my eyes to another side of the suffering.

Are you one of those people who watch a show like the Crown, and spend half the time googling to check how factually correct it is? I am.  I have learnt so much about history by indulging in my passion…

Does Collagen work? I always wanted to know ….

Over the past few years I have become quite obsessed with my wrinkles.  Some of the time, I feel I have earned them, and then at other times I resent them. I have come to terms with my age, with…

The complexity of a faithless marriage

What would you do if you suspected your husband of being unfaithful.  Cut up his clothes, change the locks or simply go home and make a wonderful dinner for your perfect family? A book with many themes that will keep…

Would you marry a stranger?

One of my new year’s resolutions was to be more adventurous in my reading.  To try different things, and I am so glad I did. The Company Daughters is a book that will remain with you long after you have…

Hope, Health and Happiness

When I can’t get to sleep at night I have a little breathing ritual to calm my mind.  As I breath in I imagine health, and when I breath out I feel gratitude.   This has become an important part of…

Be Careful What you Listen To …..

Whoa-Town is a boy band, a very successful boy band, put together by music mogul Rick Reeves. The Future Stars of America is the talent competition everyone wants to enter and these five lucky singers have won a place in…

The Art of Doing Nothing

I am not very good at doing nothing. In fact I am not even very good at doing one thing at a time. I am the person who grabs for my phone to check Facebook or play a game while…

The Tale of Two Books and a delightful surprise

I’m having a reading binge.  Just allowing myself read and enjoy and to an extent leave the housework for another day. I have very eclectic taste in reading.  I have my favourite genres, but I’ll give anything a try.  The…

Loving my skin with Yves Saint Laurent Pure Shots

I haven’t always loved my skin.  As a child I hated my freckles and would have done almost anything to get rid of them.  Through adulthood it wasn’t too bad, and I joked about my fabulous fatness reducing the amount…

Six Easy Ways to Get Your Home Summer-Ready

#AD. In the interest of disclosure and transparency, the syndication of this article has been provided and paid for by FBD Insurance Most of us are spending more time than ever at home right now, and that can be a…

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