Living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome – IBS and me!

Sometimes I feel like IBS is the soundtrack to my life.  It is always there in one form or another, and I am always hunting for a way to turn the volume down.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of those things that nobody seems to have a definitive solution for and it is exacerbated by long-term illnesses like fibromyalgia and diabetes.  Medication that you take to solve one thing seems to make it worse, so it is a constant juggling act.  For me this is the hard truth when it comes to painkillers and anti-inflammatories I need to take for arthritis.

Warning:  This is a post with a bit TMI (too much information) but I hope it will help my fellow irritable bowel syndrome sufferers.

It isn’t all doom and gloom though

A few things have helped me to deal with IBS.  The first one is simply accepting that it isn’t going anywhere.  It isn’t ever going to go away and I simply have to deal with it.  Anyone who suffers will know what I mean when I say that sometimes I simply don’t want to go out because of it.  Sometimes I am literally curled up in a ball with tummy cramps.  Don’t even start the constipation and diarrhoea.

I have however found some products and techniques that do help, and they help so much that I really wanted to write about them.

doTERRA ZenGest Oil

This little bottle of magical goodness has actually changed my life.  To give you an idea of how much, imagine this scenario.  I always have a little rollerball of Zengest diluted with fractionated coconut oil around me.  I roll it on my tummy and then massage it in a clockwise direction.  This is literally the most soothing thing ever.  The cramps simply dissolve.  It is also great for constipation.

On the odd occasion I lose it.  It rolls under the bed, or the sofa (I actually have two on the go). You have never seen my so energised trying to find it.  I literally go to pieces because I know that it is my little lifesaver in a bottle.

doTERRA Zengest has a unique blend (sometimes called the tummy tamer blend) and contains the calming properties of Ginger, Fennel, Coriander, Peppermint, Tarragon, Anise, and Caraway. ZenGest can be diffused for its liquorice aroma, applied topically to the abdomen, or taken internally.

doTERRA Peppermint Oil

Another little roller bottle (I dilute the pure oil to use as a massage oil) that I have at my side all the time.  I often layer the two together for the ultimate relief.  Peppermint oil has been a favourite of mine for many years and I have used it for a number of different purposes from calming anxiety, clearing my breath, a simple pick me up and more.  My son, as a child called it magic oil.  It is also mighty for tummy troubles, and can be added to a cup of hot water for an instant peppermint tea – and we all know that is perfect for bloating and that full feeling.  (Note:  not all oils can be taken internally, but this one is OK) .

Peppermint oil has the added bonus of clearing your airways and freshening your breath.

Prune Juice

Yes, although I am super grateful for the difference the doTERRA products are making in my life, another new addition that is helping is old-fashioned prune juice.  A small glass every day is helping to keep me regular and that in itself gives me the confidence to manage my IBS life better.

doTERRA Lemon in lots of water

Hydration is vital – especially when you are taking as many medications as I am.  I try to drink up to 2 litres of water a day.  On the advice of my friends Mike and Sinead at West2Wellness, I started adding a few drops of lemon oil to my water jug.  Not only does it taste delicious, but it is a great internal cleanser.

Last but not least ….

doTERRA Terrazyme

This is a supplement created by doTERRA containing digestive enzymes as well as other goodies.  It supports healthy digestion and metabolic processes.  I pop a pill or two especially when eating a full meal.  It is a little like sending in the solution before the problem.  I am pretty sure this is helping my weight too.

I always think long and hard before writing about any products on my blog.  I need to know that they work for me and be sure that the information is worth sharing.  I have been on a huge health journey over the past year (more about that soon).  I have made doTERRA oils and supplements a part of this journey for the last few months and I can honestly say that these little bottles of goodness have quietened the IBS soundtrack.

I get my products (which are conveniently delivered to my door) from Mike and Sinead at West2Wellness.  They have their own health stories which continue to inspire me.

If you are suffering with Irritable bowel syndrome and want to chat about it or get any advice, please feel free to message me or get directly in touch with West2Wellness.

Thank you for reading my IBS story.

Kerry x


Kerry xx


There was a huge part of me fighting against turning anything like fifty. It happens though and there is nothing we can do to fight it. Well we can’t fight the chronology of years and minutes ticking by but we can stay fabulous. I try to be fabulous, despite having a few things I am fighting against like RA, Diabetes and Pernicious Anaemia. This blog is simply about me embracing life. Food, make-up, fashion and more. My trials and tribulations. I hope you enjoy!

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