Be very wary of strong woman on a mission

Be prepared to be totally absorbed by this gritty crime novel by author Emma Tallon.  Her Rival will transport you to the East End of London and into the lives of veryt strong woman, beautifully complex and totally engaging. Meet…

A beautiful emotional journey in a book

As many of you know I aspire to be a novelist.  I am writing every day, and dream of a day when it will be my book people will be reviewing.  Writers envy There it is – the green monster…

Pretty Broken Dolls

A killer that poses their victims as pretty broken dolls. I literally lay in the bath reading – my favourite reading place – until the water was cold.  I couldn’t stop until I reached the end. Pretty Broken Dolls was…

Would you be happy inside- forever?

The thing I love most about being part of the book community is opening my mind and heart to reading almost anything.  As I read on Kindle, I don’t read back covers anymore, I simply dive in, ready to live…

Is a Secretary ever just that?

Get ready for a roller coaster of a read!  When the opportunity came up to review Catherine Hokin’s book, The Secretary, I jumped at it.  I read The Lost Mother (read the review here), I just knew that I wanted…

This book stole my heart and made me paint!

There are times when a book comes along and it is as though it was written specifically for you.  Her Family Secret but Melissa Wiesner would get six stars if I could award them. This book not only stole my…

Damaged people are dangerous – My Husband’s Girlfriend

My Husband’s Girlfriend by Sheryl Browne is masterful.  It is a story about damaged people.  Not necessarily bad people, but people who have themselves being harmed by the circumstances of life, and then become dangerous themselves. On the surface it…

A wonderful twisty whodunnit for you to read

History teaches us lessons about the present.  I have really enjoyed delving into historical novels recently, and most especially learning about history, and it’s many facets.  The Tuscan House is a wonderful example of a rich historical novel. In each…

Who are the Fragile Ones?

The Fragile ones:  little innocent children who simply want to go out and play.  I read The Fragile Ones, by Jennifer Chase in little more than a day. This book is extremely well written and tells a tale of two…

Are you the pretty one in the family – a chilling book for you to read

When I was reading this book, I was literally carrying my kindle around the house.  I took it with me to read while I waited for the toast to pop, I was  reading which watching TV and yes, I even…

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